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Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
This is a dynamic and flowing style of yoga that connects the movement of the body with the breath in a set sequence of yoga postures. Regular practice builds strength, stability and flexibility. Postures are modified when needed whilst remaining true to the intention of the practice to heal the body, quiet the mind and open the heart.

- Ashtanga Yoga Led
This is a led class that uses the stable framework of the Ashtanga series combined with some creative exploration of other postures that encourage freedom and release. Both beginners and experienced practitioners are welcome.

- Ashtanga Mysore (assisted self practice)
Mysore sessions allow students to go at their own pace within the class setting. Practitioners are helped to learn and remember the set sequences with simple reminders. This empowers their self practice and heightens the experience of a moving meditation. Individual instruction is given quietly, both verbally and with sensitive physical adjustments.

Gentle Yoga
Gentle yoga is grounded and relaxing, to build a depth of strength while encouraging the body and breath to release tension and restore energy. Sound and sensitive adjustments are used to encourage relaxation in a nurturing environment. 

Gentle Yoga Flow
Grounded and flowing sequences of yoga postures to relax the body and energise the breath. A bridge between gentle and dynamic yoga, with a balance of fluid movement and deep stillness. 

Self Practice Yoga Sessions
Come and practice in company. Any style of Yoga welcome. All donations go to charity.

Zen Meditation
The one hour Zen meditation session typically includes 25mins of sitting, 10 mins of walking, and another 25mins of sitting. Occasionally a Koan is spoken during the session, such as "Just purely listen". There are no instructions on sitting during the class, so if you have not practiced meditation before let us know. We can arrange for you to come early for an introduction.

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